So, are you South African, or formerly South African, and would like to know how you can take part in this Blog? Well, have you ever read Nancy Friday's 'My Secret Garden'? If you have, you will begin to understand what I am hoping to achieve. Not a barrage of sexual fantasies.. but a heap of emails detailing your experiences on various topics.
I am hoping to collate these responses and ultimately produce a South African book about all of us. 'Us', if you are wondering, is 'gay or lesbian' and 'South African."
I am still trying to formulate the main questions for the 'book' but my goal is to produce something that depicts the history, or her-story, of SA gays and lesbians, through the years.
I would like it to be a reference point for young gays and lesbians to turn to when they feel as if they are the only one's out there who have feelings for someone of the same sex.
I would like it to be a documentary of the cities and towns in South Africa where we have lived and loved. I would like it to be a record of life as a gay or lesbian, in this complexed country, over the years (pre-democracy). If one person can feel less isolated by this project, it would have succeeded.
Please e-mail me to suggest categories and I will also put out my own suggestions in the coming weeks. The address is herstory@eastcoast.co.za.
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