Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Being sentimental....

South Africa is a beautiful country. It really is. Every so often, I sit somewhere and people-watch – and think how lucky I am to be living in this place. Yes, there is much we need to change: the crime situation for one. But there is also much to be grateful for. There is a passion in our people that is hard to beat. A vibrancy. We sweep our streets with palm leaves because they work better than brooms. We sell single pieces of fruit on street corners because people want to eat what nature has made. We sell totally out-of-place items at intersections (or robots, as we call them) such as coat hangers or kites. We sing and dance in public – if the rhythm is right and if the beat catches our fancy. We say hello to one another, even when we do not know one another. We smile, because we know we live in a country with limitless potential. Let’s be grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fair enough but what about the crime rate?