I'm sorry it's taken me so long to put fingers to the keyboard to say this: I Heart Adam Lambert! If I were a young gay guy I'd be salivating and rubbing my sticky hands together in glee. What an all round superstar: both for his amazing musical talent (he was bloody robbed of that title, although perhaps he's above it all) and for his unfazed coming out.
Of course we (the gay peeps) all knew he was family the moment he walked on stage, but I admire him for being so nonchalant about it in the Rolling Stone interview. I'll bet there were some who nearly choked on a hair-ball of mistress when the revelation was made, but Adam just says his sexuality is 'merely another part of me.' And so it is.
Well done Adam. We admire you for being so open and so true to yourself - and frankly, didn't expect anything less given how honest your music is. Ah-men, Adam!
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